New Disaster Relief for many Californians

For Federal Income Tax Returns The IRS announced that taxpayers who live in counties designated by FEMA as disaster areas because of the January 2023 storms now have more time to file and pay their Federal Income Tax Returns. As of the date of this writing eligible...

Tax Relief for California Storm Victims

The IRS has announced that due to the winter storms, most individuals in California will have more time to file and pay. California conforms to this postponement. WHO CAN GET RELIEF If you live or work in the disaster area you are eligible for this tax relief, you do...

Relief for Victims of Presidentially-Declared Disasters

Included in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 was the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Relief Act TCDTRA of 2020  which has a number of relief provisions for victims in Presidentially Declared Disaster areas that were declared from 1/1/20 to 2/25/21. The...